Our school is part of two school communities:
Primary and secondary schools, parents, communities, TAFE and Macquarie University work in a unique partnership sharing knowledge, resources and expertise to ensure students have greater opportunities for both academic and cultural enrichment.
Schools work with their communities to achieve success for PCS students. The partnership with Macquarie University in the areas of science, technology, engineering and mathematics provides a range of innovative programs that can be accessed by primary and secondary students.
K-6 students have access to the Leadership Program such as Bee Bots, Probots, NXTs and the First Lego League Competition (FLL); Young Einstein and the PCS Combined Sports Challenge.
Yrs 7-12 students access the Duke of Edinburgh Program, Surf Aid, NXTs FLL Competition, the PCS Year 11 Snow Camp, Science and Engineering Challenged and the Senior Shared Curriculum.
The PCS also offers professional learning opportunities for teaching staff especially in the areas of early career teachers, newly appointed executive and aspiring leaders and quality teaching / national curriculum implementation. A number of learning networks have been established that meet regularly for professional dialogue and combined planning approaches to syllabus delivery and implementation.
Each term PCS newsletters are available in the newsletter section of this website.
North Beaches Learning Alliance
The Northern Beaches Learning Alliance was established in 2008. The community of schools comprises local primary schools, together with the five campuses of the Northern Beaches Secondary College.