Children at Cromer Public School are offered a wide range of extra-curricular activities. These activities are run by classroom teachers, specialist teachers and parent volunteers.
Extracurricular Activities
Art club
The Art club operates at lunchtime once a week. Student pay a small fee to participate. Activities include art and craft activities. They are also given the opportunity to explore a variety of media in creating artworks.
Chess club
Chess club operates at lunchtimes. A chess tutor is employed to teach and challenge students with varying abilities with the game of chess. Students participate in competitions with other schools.
Cromer Public School thrives on its music. At our school, we recognise that music education promotes discipline and self-control, improves students' self-esteem, enhances self-confidence and it is fun. Students are able to join the Junior or Senior Choir and are offered wonderful opportunities to sing at school and external events including School Spectacular at magnificent venues across Sydney. The students' hard work, enthusiasm and dedication have been rewarded with some impressive performance opportunities including;
Coding, robotic and Minecraft clubs
Minecraft, coding and robotics clubs operate at lunchtime once a week. Students learn how to write simple computer code for sequencing, directional language, basic commands and programming.
Cromer Public School has a number of dance groups. There is a Junior Dance Group targeting Years 1-3, the Hip Hop Dance Group targeting Years 4-6 and the Senior Dance Group targeting Years 4-6. All groups have the opportunity to take part in a number of dance festivals throughout the year, including School Spectacular.
We have drama groups operating throughout the year. Both groups perform their pieces at the CAPA evening at the end of the year. All students work really hard on their pieces and contribute heavily to the creative process with their enthusiasm and ideas. We have many budding stars of the future.
Environment club
Environment club meets weekly with a view to educating participants and the school community about environmental issues. Activities include the planting and harvesting of the school vegetable patch and recycling. The Environment club is instrumental in organising waste free Wednesday which raises awareness of the need to minimise lunchtime waste. Competitions are held to promote environmental issues and make the school community more vigilant in protecting the environment.
Lego club
Lego club meets weekly with a view to design, collaborate and construct Lego creations to suit a set theme. Students can bring their own lego or use the school lego. The Lego Club is a great way to establish new friendships while reinforcing positive social skills through play.
Public speaking and debating
We have a strong program of Public Speaking. All students from K - are taught to listen critically and given the opportunity to practise their Public Speaking skills on a regular basis in class. Two students from Stage 2 and 3 are is chosen to represent CPS annually in the Multicultural Perspectives Public Speaking Competition. These students participate in a selection process at school, similar to the one used in the actual competition, where both prepared and impromptu speeches are delivered by the entrants.
Students in Years 5 and 6 also participate in the Premier's Debating Challenge where teams from other schools debate each other with only an hour of unassisted preparation time. Our students have regularly been at or near the top of their zone for the last three years.
Trading Club
Trading club runs throughout the year on a needs basis based around the students' interests.