Welcome to Cromer Public School
At Cromer Public School students, parents and teachers work collaboratively to create a safe and caring learning environment where every child is supported to reach their potential.
Our motto of “Wisdom and Courage” underpins the school’s proud tradition of promoting excellence in all its endeavours. We have the wisdom to value the traditions of the past and the courage to explore new ways of thinking, learning, teaching and leading to achieve school improvement for the benefit of our students.
We are proud of the wonderful school we have developed and the great learning experiences and opportunities we offer our students. Our school is committed to providing a quality education for all students that develops the whole child. Our core values of Respect, Achievement and Responsibility underpin all that we do in a supportive and caring environment.
Our school community has established a culture of excellence, where the highest standards are expected and maintained. The school focuses on quality teaching and learning that caters for all students’ learning needs, with a strong emphasis on literacy and numeracy, and inquiry learning featuring significant and relevant skills for life in the 21st century. We pride ourselves on embedding technology into every classroom.
As educators, we value the close ties between the child and the family and encourage a strong reciprocal relationship between home and school. It is our strong belief that parental participation in education promotes academic success. Our multi-talented and dedicated staff through this partnership ensures that our three-way channels of communication between students, parents and teachers, are kept open to enhance the development of all our students.
Our school offers a broad curriculum focusing on academic, technological, sporting, creative, performing, social, and leadership opportunities and experiences for all students. Our highly skilled and dedicated teachers are committed to on-going professional learning, growth and development which equips them to give students an up-to-date, relevant education and authentic learning experiences and opportunities.
We are currently in the first year of our three year School Plan 2018-2020 and our vision is “To prepare all stakeholders to adapt to an ever-changing environment and instil an enthusiasm for ongoing learning.”
Our strategic directions are:
- High Impact Learning
- Enhanced Quality Teaching; and
- Leading Innovative Practices
Enjoy reading and viewing our school website, and learning about what makes our school the special place that it is.
Mrs Julie Johnson