BOSTES: Board of Studies NSW Parental support links from the Board of Studies to help parents to support his/her child with their learning.
Children's eSafety Commissioner Provide online safety education for Australian children and young people, a complaints service for young Australians who are experiencing serious cyberbullying, and address illegal online content through the Online Content Scheme.
Going to a Public School Information about when to enrol, who to talk to and how to prepare your child who is starting Kindergarten.
National Literacy and Numeracy Week Literacy and numeracy strategies to help your child.
NSW Department of Education and Communities: Mathematics Practical ideas to assist students to understand mathematical concepts.
Numeracy strategies to assist students in the K-2 classroom. Practical ideas to help your child learn numeracy skills.
Premier's Reading Challenge The Challenge aims to encourage a love of reading for leisure and pleasure in students, and to enable them to experience quality literature. The site includes a comprehensive list of quality literature for each year of schooling.
School A to Z Links to websites to assist parents with homework and content in each Key Learning Areas.
Selective Schools and Opportunity Classes (OC) Parent information on Opportunity Classes (OC) and Selective Highschools.
Splash ABC 3000+ free educational games, videos and teaching resources for schools and students.
The Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA Is responsible for collecting and publishing information on My School about the performance and resources of schools, including publishing a range of reports, including the National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) national report.